Tessa's Cowboy Cafe Series

Painting Hints for Coloring Note Cards

Supplies to Paint and Mail.

A Gouache paint set with 12 colors, or a set of watercolors.

If your set does not contain white, add a small tube of Chinese White or White Gouache.

2 Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Brushes

         Designers' Round, Size 4 Short Handle

         Filbert, Size 1/2" Short Handle 

A bowl of water to clean the brush between colors or add water to the paints.

A roll of paper towels to blot the painting, blot the brush, or clean your pallet.
Gouache is an opaque watercolor similar to tempera. It is pronounce (G-Wash)


If you paint on a darker paper, use gouache and make sure you have some white.  Light colors pop on a dark surface.  Moody pieces can emerge when you least expect it. 

If you paint where you did not intend with watercolor, you can instantly push the color back with your finger to where it belongs, or use a paper to blot it.  If none of that works, add color to the background, which will pull the image together.

If you don’t like the colors that you painted a card, paint over it, sometimes I use a wash of orange on many of the parts of the piece which can unify the piece.   You can use any color you like to unify a piece. 

To flatten a card, wait until it is dry, then put it in a book with weights on it overnight. If you are brave, Steam Iron it on a hard surface between paper towels, it doesn’t take much time, don’t cook it.  Don’t let the iron touch the card.  Put it in a book for an hour or so.

Paint the back design to finish off the piece, write your name and send it to someone special.  Or you could frame it for yourself. 

Where to purchase your paints.

ArtShop Jackson Hole at Dornan's in Moose Wyoming, near the Grand Teton Park South entrance.has a good selection of Tessa's Colloring Cards and a nice selection of art supplies perfect for the projects.

Utrecht Art Supply

Pelikan Gouache Pans - Set of 12

Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Brushes
Designers' Round Size 4 Short Handle
Filbert, Size 1/2" Short Handle 

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